We are seeking members’ input on the nomination process, term limits, voting procedures, and cultivating next generation leadership. Specifically, we will be voting upon the following at our annual meeting:
Changing the 5 year out rule for board members to 1 year out for Communications Manager and Archivist, both to establish a pipeline to board leadership for younger alums and because these positions benefit from someone who was more recently on campus.
Processes for voting in absentia
Staggered Election Cycle: All terms are normally 5 years, but since 5 board members were elected in 2019 and 1 in 2020, we are proposing the following staggered election cycle, with some positions overlapping the outgoing and incoming board members for one year post-election:
President - 2022 (overlap until 2023)
Treasurer - 2023 (overlap until 2024)
House Holder - 2023 (overlap 2024)
Secretary - 2024
Communications - 2024
Archivist - 2025
If you will not be able to attend the meeting on June 5, at 3 PM EST, but have strong opinions about the above, please send us an email at wellesleyshakesalums@gmail.com